Seek Him First.

Turn to Him.

Abide in Him.

Yearn for His Return.

God came here to draw us near, but He went away so we could stay. It’s the come and go of the Gospel. We celebrate Christmas (when Christ came) and Easter (when Christ went away), but we observe Advent and Lent, the two seasons prior to these two holidays, in an effort to remember they are much more than mere holidays, they are holy days of the Christian faith.

Stay is a 40-day excelLent journey through the Gospel of John, a devotional meant to guide the reader through the season of Lent. When we Seek Him First, Turn to Him, Abide in Him and, Yearn for His Return, we learn what it truly means to stay.

Jesus came and He went, so we could come to Him and go tell others about Him.

Stay is an invitation to not simply celebrate Easter as a holiday, but to hold it sacred as a holy day during the season of Lent, and every day of the year, by drawing near and staying close to the heart of the Father until He returns or calls us home. This world is not our home. Eternity awaits. The way there was made clear as Jesus made His way to, through, and out of this world, and He will make His way back again for all those who believe in Him!