Conversations > Cancellations

Conversations > Cancellations

We must have conversations about objective truth because they are so much greater and far more effective than cancellations over subjective truth.

TRUTH, God’s Truth, to a believer of that truth, is verifiable, undeniable, indisputable, non-negotiable, actual, factual TRUTH.

It is objective, not subjective. The object of that truth is Jesus Christ Himself, and that truth is not subject to change based on opinions or feelings. If the Gospel is not objective truth to the believer, then what’s the point in believing it? Its veracity gives it authority, and its authority commands our bravery — bravery to have the hard conversation and not succumb to cancellation.

Now more than ever, our conversations about truth have been sabotaged by our dissenting definitions of truth. In order for truth to be defendable, it must be objective, based on facts and logic, free of individual subjectivity or relativism.

Obviously, I’m approaching this conversation from a Biblical Worldview, with the Bible, the very Word of God, being the ultimate authority on truth when viewing the world and all that is going on in it. I have wrestled with and reconciled this for myself, as I have trusted Jesus Christ, the son of God, as my Lord and Savior.

As a child of God, my highest calling is to know Him and make Him known, and I believe all who have trusted Him, all Christians, should view the world with that same objective, authoritative Biblical Truth as their lens lest we get confused and cower to the ways of this world that are contrary, crafty, and cunning — so much so they threaten to lead us further and further away from that objective truth that urges us to stay.

Whether you’re a great theologian or a great big skeptic, one of the world’s smartest academics or struggle to make sense of common logic, whether you are a conspiracy theorist, right or left wing activist, a BLM supporter or CRT purporter, whether you are an MD with a PhD or you have no degree and would rather agree to disagree, if you have placed your trust and hope in Christ, you have been called to stand up for Truth. Standing up for Biblical Truth requires releasing “lesser truths” that are subject to change and receiving “the only truth” that leads to life change.

We all want to know what’s right and what’s wrong, and guess what? The Bible has defined that all along. And if we claim to believe it, we must show we believe it, by the way we receive it, apply it and no longer deny it in our conversations about truth.

We’re all called to be apologists — not to apologize for our faith, but to defend our faith, and all the more against the opposition we face.

We must practice standing up and speaking up or our default will be to sit down and shut up. It’s like playing an instrument or sport, the more your practice it, the better you’ll get at it. Start in safe spaces, but have the conversations. They will become more challenging, but you’ll be better equipped to have them the less you shy away from them.

In an age of silencing and censoring dissenting views, our voices must be louder and stronger when speaking the truth.

We must have conversations about objective truth because they are so much greater and far more effective than cancellations over subjective truth.

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{Revisited & Revised} Culture vs. Scripture. The Difference is Significant. {with real life examples}

{Revisited & Revised} Culture vs. Scripture. The Difference is Significant. {with real life examples}

Hey there friend! I hope it’s OK that I call you friend. If you are visiting my blog, either for the first time or fairly regularly, I want you to know I consider you just that — a friend.

Friends come in all shapes and sizes, they come and go at different ages and life stages, they can be online or in real life, and I believe one of the indicators of a true friend is they not only encourage and cheer for you, but they challenge and sharpen you.

Recently, an online friend challenged me to revisit this post and add practical examples of each of the four statements that spoke to the difference between culture and scripture. She felt that real life examples would be a powerful addition to the original post. That’s the reason for this new post, this more detailed post, that says the same thing, but in a slightly different, and hopefully more relatable way.

I pray it encourages you just as much as the challenge to evaluate and enhance the post encouraged me. I am a firm believer that when we seek to know more, we can always grow more.

So, Gina, this is for you, but I pray it blesses others, too...

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Culture vs. Scripture. The Difference is Significant.

Culture vs. Scripture. The Difference is Significant.

Culture cancels. Scripture counsels.

Culture condemns. Scripture convicts.

Culture corrupts. Scripture corrects.

Culture twists the truth. Scripture tells the truth.

The way of the world will always be just that — the world’s way, playing by the world’s rules, defined by the world’s truth. It is secular at its roots; therefore it will always produce Godless fruit.

Yes. God made the world. And it was good. And then sin, introduced by Satan, made it bad. But then forgiveness, offered by God through His son, gave it hope for good. His goodness exists whether we embrace it or not. His truth is true whether we agree with it or not.

To discern His truth and see His good, to believe His truth produces a good good enough to overcome all the bad is to surrender our way and submit to His way. He knows the way. He made a way. He is the way, and His way is so much better than the way of the world, because it is redemptive and restorative while the world’s way, well, it’s just not.

Culture, the way of the world, cancels, condemns, corrupts, all by twisting the truth. Scripture, the way of the Word, counsels, convicts, corrects, all by telling the truth.

He reveals His way in His Word. We will not know and discern wisdom and truth without it.

We will cave to and be consumed by culture if we do not crave and consume scripture.

We recognize the difference between culture and scripture when we realize the significance their difference has on our lives.

Good cannot grow from bad. Truth cannot be found in lies. Light cannot be manufactured by darkness. However, Good can overcome the bad. Truth can root out the lies. Light can overcome the darkness.

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