The Great Mask Debate

The Great Mask Debate

This was originally posted on Instagram and Facebook on September 7th (before I started this blog). I’m posting this on the blog today, because I am sharing a follow-up past today as well entitled: The Great Mask Debate {Revisited}.

Welp. This is way harder than I imagined. I’ve typed, deleted, and retyped. I’ve overthought and under cared. I’ve under thought and over cared. I’ve read and reread my words, held them up to God’s Word, and prayed they’d be the right words — words that don’t neglect others’ feelings but still reflect God’s truth.

Being brave is hard, but I guess that’s the point, right? It’s all heart, but it doesn’t forget its head. It sometimes reins in the passion in order to accomplish its purpose. Balancing being soft spoken and outspoken requires a dexterity of discernment that loves others by both taming the tongue and telling the truth. So, here’s my feeble attempt to do just that...

I cannot be indifferent to what is going on in the world, if I’m called to make a difference in the world. Bravery is more than speaking up with empty words, it’s standing up on the firm foundation of God’s Word.

I am usually not a pot stirrer by nature, but God is a heart stirrer by His Spirit, and He’s been stirring my heart with these questions:

{Tabitha, are you hiding behind your cutesy quotes and propensity to please, all the while being silenced by fear, maybe not fear of a virus, but fear of the cost of standing up in the face of fear? Are you shooting straight, or playing it safe?}

I’m finally weighing in to the great mask debate — not to be a rebel, not to be insensitive and unloving, actually quite the contrary. I believe the most loving thing I can do is speak the truth as I understand it. I believe the most obedient thing I can do is take what I believe God has spoken to my heart and share it with yours. I believe the bravest thing we all can do is trust God together.

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